How did I get on Etsy Front Page

How did I get Etsy Front page? I do not have a clue but I am sincerely happy. Yes, my "I Love Waking up to you Every Morning" Eye chart print made to the front page yesterday.  I woke up to find a nice little email from Statsy letting me know my eye chart had made it to the Front Page.

I had always heard that Etsy would notice you if you followed a few simple rules:

Participate in forums........I did it once.

Tag correctly.....Done...I think!!!!!

Place an ad on Etsy blog....I did not know you could do that.

Renew often.......I do, but I prefer to make and list a new product
Leave a comment on the Storque....That is next on my list of things to do.

Make a treasury.....I am trying to make and list a new product

Take good pictures....Done!!!!!

Keep up with Etsy Merchandising  desk.....With what?

Look,  I donot have the answers. All that I can say is, keep it simple, follow Etsy rules, and have fun making and listing new products. Enjoy creating your business.

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